Conservation * Education * Recreation AJCP - American Jeep Club Project — Southern Four Wheel Drive Association

American Jeep Club Project

A.J.C.P. was founded in September of 2015 and is a family oriented club of Jeep Enthusiasts! Our Motto is "Bringing the World Together One Jeep at a Time". We promote the “Tread Lightly” and “Leave No Trace” culture to help preserve the land for future generations. You can join the fun and rest easy knowing that we Leave No Man Behind. AJCP also focuses on our Community. We organize several Fundraiser/Charity events yearly to help our local community.  See our website for more information.

1. Must Have Fun!
2. No Profanity on AJCP Page or AJCP Events.
3. No Off-Colored or Suggestive Remarks.
4. No Antagonizing Other Jeepers.
5. No Alcohol or Drugs at /on AJCP Club events. 
6. Obey the Law of the Land (Tread Lightly) 
7. Repeat #1 MUST HAVE FUN!