Off Road Education is the core of SFWDA
Morrison's Outdoor Adventures brings High Quality Off-Road Training to You……
SFWDA is excited to announce our formal partnership with Morrison's Outdoor Adventures to bring high quality off-road training to our SFWDA Members and the public. SFWDA's first offering is for a gift certificate which Morison's Outdoor Adventures will honor for any of their in-person Training Events held periodically across the southeast. See typical events listed below.
Gift Certificate are $25.00 each so you can choose any number you desire. Each certificate will be sent to you directly from Morrison's Outdoor Adventures via email or USPS.
These SFWDA Educational Videos are produced with volunteers through our SFWDA Grant Program
which is focused on supporting our core mission of Education for the OHV community as a whole.
“ We strongly believe and hope that through education we will provide everlasting stewardship “
A strong emphasis of our core mission is placed on education. All OHV enthusiasts are encouraged to practice safe and courteous driving and proper vehicle use off road.
We work closely with certified instructors, and professional trainers within the region who teach the principles of Tread Lightly! and best practices for safe and effective off road driving.
We started in 2015 creating our first series of educational videos, which continues today and featured on our YOUTUBE Channel. We wanted a means to share best practices off road, driving tips and techniques, as we as recovery and safety as some of the topics discussed. Created by volunteers within our association and from funding of our own SFWDA Grant Program.
"Safe Vehicle Recovery After a Rollover"
Learn Proper Rollover Recovery from Professional Off Road Driving Instructors
In conjunction with Overland Experts; SFWDA is excited to present step by step proven techniques on safe recovery of a vehicle after a rollover.
There are a ton of tips throughout the video so sit back and enjoy......and hope you never need to use these valuable skills and knowledge.
(All situations are different, so it is imperative that you evaluate your situation before taking any action.)
“Off Road Navigation 101”
Watch our latest video right here. Presented by Jake White of Cartotracks, the leader in digital smart mapping and a Off Road veteran. Jake takes a few moments and shares some history on maps, and navigation and later delves deep into a variety of perspectives and options in the modern world of navigation.
Within this video we will discuss and explain a breadth of knowledge related to navigation, from it's beginning to modern technology.
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“Items to bring along on a typical trail ride”
“Techniques to Avoid Getting "Stuck" “
“Safe Off Road Winch Operation with Tips & Best Practices to make you look like a Pro”
“Techniques to get "Unstuck" “
“Safe Hi-Lift jack operation”
“Off Road Driving Techniques”
“TREADLIGHTLY!” - What does it really mean?
“Club Riding Etiquette”
Basic OFF ROAD DRIVING TIPS by our business partner BFGoodrich Tires
"If you’re going to learn, learn from the experts. BFGoodrich® Tires has 24 SCORE Baja 1000 wins and 70 overall four-wheel SCORE Desert Race Titles. So yeah, we own the off-road. Off-road driving can be fun, especially when it’s intentional. But, it’s an entirely different kind of driving altogether. We recommend you understand these basic techniques listed below, so you don’t get stuck in a precarious situation." - BFG TIres
Deflate your tires a bit to increase your tire footprint for better traction.
Use steady momentum all the way through.
In sand and snow, if your wheels start to spin, ease off the gas a little to let the tires slow down and regain traction. In mud maintain some wheel spin to help clear mud from the drive tires.
Approach obstacles at an angle, so that only one tire engages, leaving the other three tires on solid ground for traction.
To protect the fragile components on the underside of your vehicle, it’s best to drive over an obstacle by placing one tire on it, then gently driving over it.
Approach the hill straight on, so the weight is distributed equally, providing equal traction to all four tires.
Use as high a gear as the vehicle will handle comfortably on the hill. If the gear is too low, you will spin the tires. If it’s too high, you won’t have enough power.
Always prepare for a failed climb and have an escape plan.
BlueRibbon Coalition is a respected national recreation group that champions responsible use of public and private lands, and encourages individual environmental stewardship. With members in all 50 states, BRC is focused on building enthusiast involvement with organizational efforts through membership, outreach, education, and collaboration among recreationists.
Del Albright, a BRC Ambassador and partner Stacie Albright have created a series of useful videos to assist fellow wheelers with tackling real, every day issues within your OHV community. Please watch and enjoy then share the many decades of experience from BRC with your local groups.
Advanced OFF ROAD Driving, Skills Training, and Outside Resources

Experienced and certified trainers within our Association manage local public off road training centers which directly focus on skills related to safe, knowledgeable, and responsible four wheeling. They cover topics like winching techniques, and vehicle extraction as well as how to properly traverse off-camber muddy hill climbs, and functional techniques on driving over large obstacles like downed trees or boulders. We also incorporate Tread Lightly! demonstrations and education sessions at our two major events, so be sure to check out our events page and don't miss out.
At our regional SFWDA events you can learn about general off-highway techniques and courtesies related to OHV usage and more specific education related to driving skills, elementary vehicle mechanics, recovery techniques and recommended equipment to carry on the trail. Our emphasis on education not only encompasses OHV safety, but also emphasizes environmental concerns and the “Tread Lightly” philosophy. In addition, members of the SFWDA are sensitized to today’s need for environmental awareness and we try to pass that knowledge on to others in our sport.
Through our partnership and cooperation of Tread Lightly! we can offer these amazing tools. You’ll be able to locate a "Tread Trainer" near you, and find out about classes being offered, browse our vast library of recreation tips, watch videos on responsible recreation and even test your knowledge in our Online Awareness Course.
Get some simple tips on ways to minimize your impact when playing in the outdoors.
Tread Lightly! has developed an extensive library of videos designed to offer visual information education relating to the outdoors and its use.
Including recently updated content this 30-45 minute course is designed to teach the basics about Tread Lightly! and more importantly, how to minimize your impacts in the outdoors. The course utilizes knowledge checks and scenarios to teach the Tread Lightly! principles and how to apply them in real world situations including drones, OHVs, snowmobiles, personal watercraft, etc.
Tread Lightly!®’s Master Tread Trainer™ course is a two-day course designed to provide an in-depth look at outdoor ethics focusing on motorized and mechanized recreation on both land and water. Participation in the course qualifies individuals to present the Tread Lightly! message consistently to others in their state or region. Participants will work with Tread Lightly! staff on understanding the role outdoor ethics play in the recreation community learn the Tread Lightly! principles of responsible recreation, develop an action plan for outreach in their community, and be provided with the tools to conduct a variety of learning opportunities including training Tread Trainers through an 8 hour course.
The SFWDA under the United Four Wheel Drive Associations has a 4WD Awareness education program which is held on a regular basis for novice drivers. The 4WD Awareness program intends to educate the 4×4 owner about general off-highway techniques and courtesies related to 4 wheeling and more specific skills related to driving skills, elementary vehicle mechanics, recovery techniques, and recommended equipment to carry on trips. This not only encompasses 4 wheel drive safety, but also emphasizes environmental concerns. Education is an important component of the UFWDA mission.
At UFWDA, we believe that good user ethics, conservation stewardship, and fun all depend on having access to information and education. Whether it’s technical “how-to” information on how to drive a 4×4 or user ethics when recreating in the great outdoors, UFWDA provides information to its members to aid them in their travels.
Click on one of our links below to learn more
Photo's courtesy of the Uwharrie Off Road Training Center, North Carolina
Question? 336-906-1644 or