Uwharrie National Forest Ranger Deborah Walker with new SFWDA Project Signage
Friends of Uwharrie, Carolina Trail Blazers 4wd Club and Uwharrie National Forest Access Road Improvements
The Southern Four Wheel Drive Association and its partners in the first 2014 SFWDA Grant demonstrate the power of this new tool in building a stronger voice in our region to support the key missions of Conservation…Education…and Recreation. SFWDA received a prototype grant request from the Carolina Trail Blazers (www.carolina-trailblazers.org) and the Friends of Uwharrie (www.friendsofuwharrie.org) earlier in the year to address some serious access road issues both in and approaching the Uwharrie National Forest, Troy, NC. Further investigation revealed both safety and access issues associated with the erosion of the gravel road beds.
A grant proposal for 125 tons of gravel was presented and approved by the SFWDA Board of Directors in March, 2014. Working in conjunction with the Uwharrie National Forest and Ranger Deborah Walker, the project was coordinated by Chris Brower, CTB, and the NFS Uwharrie staff in conjunction with scheduled contractor maintenance.
The Uwharrie National Forest District Recreation Staff Supervisor, Terry Savery, has reported as a requirement of the SFWDA grant process the completion of the road improvements on Cove Road (FR 597B) to the Arrowhead Campground. Additional work was also completed on Moccasin Creek Road (FR 576) at the intersection with McLeans Creek Road (FR 544).
Additionally, the FOU and CTB were able to secure an additional grant from Rugged Ridge/Omix-ADA, a SFWDA Business Partner for work and improvements on the Daniel trail. An additional benefit of this project is that your association was able to work in concert with multiple user groups and create a successful project impacting everyone using the Uwharrie National Forest. In summary, the UNF District Recreation Supervisor Terry Savery shared the following:
“…at least 1,000 volunteer hours since October 2013 amounts to approximately $21,000. Further all of this has been an incredible help to us over the years with our RTP Grants. Thanks a lot for your help and for the help from Southern and all of the OHV volunteers. We appreciate it a lot!!!!"
The Southern Four Wheel Drive Association looks forward to sharing more updates on future projects utilizing the SFWDA Grant process as we continue working to improve, maintain and sustain our trails in the Southeast United States for future generations. The SFWDA missions Conservation…Education…and Recreation have always been a priority and will continue to be as we strive to adapt to the demands of both the present and the future to protect and enrich OHV trails both public and private throughout the Southeastern US.
Great job Carolina Trail Blazers and Friends of Uwharrie!
After Road Improvements