Trail 16 (Creekbed) Multiples Classes * Framed Vehicles Only * Trophies * Prizes
The CREEKBED CRAWL is all new for Dixie Run 31! Finally a competition for everyone...
Is anybody interested in a little old school rock crawl competition?
SFWDA and Southern Jeeps with 2 outstanding sponsors; Motobilt and B. Lee's Offroad will be hosting this all new competitive timed event on Trail 16 (The Creek Bed Trail) on Friday at 2 PM at Dixie Run 31.
This competition will be for framed vehicles, Tube Buggies and extreme rigs can enter the Shootout on Saturday. There will be 2 classes , 37” tire and under and 38” tire and over.
Trophies are being donated by Motobilt for 1st through 3rd in each class and B. Lees Offroad is sponsoring the event and donating prizes to the class winners. B. Lees is also donating a lot of stuff to the Raffle Saturday night too, so go check out the Creek bed Crawl Sponsor at and Check out
Use #DixieRun31 #CreekbedCrawl, #bleesoffroad and #motobilt to share your pictures and videos of the event
The course will not be extremely difficult but will be technical and will test your maneuverability and attention to what the best line is. Don't hit the cones , don't stop and definitely don't back up and you could be the winner of this event.
Rock Crawl Rules
1) Points are most important, time is only to decide tie breakers. If some one gets a perfect score in 4:59 and someone completes the course in 3 minutes but they have one point penalty , the perfect score is first place regardless of time.
2) The course time limit is 5 Minutes. Failure to exit the course in 5 minutes is considered a DNF. (Remember points are most important but you still need to finish.)
3) Lowest score wins. +10 points for hitting a cone +5 points for backing up +5 points for stopping more than 3 seconds ( If you stop for more than 3 seconds and then back up you get both penalties, so if you think you need to back up you probably should go ahead ) DNF for spotter touching the vehicle at any time while it's moving -10 for bonus gates -10 for spotter riding in the vehicle the whole time