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Planning Amendment


USFS Proposed Planning Rule Amendment - FAQ's and Updates

Good afternoon members of SFWDA,

 We thought a few of you may like to know that the Forest Service published a Federal Register Notice today (Oct. 12), requesting public comment on a minor but important proposed amendment to the 2012 Planning Rule.

 While the 2012 Planning Rule includes direction specific to national forest plan amendments, the 2012 Planning Rule did not explicitly direct how to apply substantive requirements set forth in the 2012 Planning Rule (requirements for sustainability, diversity, multiple use and timber) to those plans developed under the 1982 Planning Rule. 

 This proposed amendment to the 2012 Planning Rule would clarify the Department’s and Agency’s expectations for plan amendments, including expectations for amending 1982 Rule plans.

 The proposed amendment is recommended and supported by the National Advisory Committee for Implementation of the National Forest System Land Management Planning Rule ( and is based on experience gained by early adopter forests, public input garnered through plan amendment processes, and extensive dialogue with the National Advisory Committee.
 The 30 day public comment period begins on Oct. 12 and ends on Nov. 14 2016.

 Attached are some Frequently Asked Questions about the amendment. Additional information will be posted at: .

 We appreciate your on-going interest in the Forest Service and its 2012 Planning Rule. 
 With kind regards,

 Andrea Bedell Loucks
 Assistant Director
 Forest Service
Ecosystem Management Coordination
> p: 202-295-7968
> c: 202-295-7968
> 201 14th Street, SW
> Washington, DC 22046
