
Annual Meeting LIVE Streaming on Facebook! This Saturday @ 8 AM

  If you can't join us in Oak Ridge for our Annual Meeting then you can watch online in your own home easier than ever before!

  Over the past few years, technology has evolved considerably and so has our outreach within the Association's membership. In the past, we managed a live audio and video feed available to anyone through a program by Citrix called GoToWebinar. While this still works and is widely used in business we wanted to provide more to our members.

  With Social Media options more diverse than ever we carefully considered which channel outlet to best connect with our members. According to all our reports, Facebook is one place where almost all of our audience frequents.  Now, for the first time, we have decided to go LIVE on Facebook to broadcast our meeting. We hope to make getting involved more accessible for everyone. 

  Please visit our Facebook Page or our website on Saturday morning. From 8AM - 12 PM EST Noon, you will be able to listen and watch our meeting LIVE from the conference room at the DoubleTree Hotel & Resort in Oak Ridge, TN.

Live Stream begins at 8 AM Saturday Morning 



SFWDA has Several Positions Open for 2018 -2019 BOD Elections - We need Your Help

Contact us to submit a nomination. We need your support! 

Do you like to go off road in your 4x4, and enjoy trail riding?
Do you want to help ensure public access to our OHV trails?
Do you have some spare time to volunteer and support a not for profit? 
Do you believe Education and Conservation are the keys to sustainability in OHV recreation? 

We need your help!

 Become a vital part of the largest and most active full size OHV stewardship organization on the east coast? 

 Southern Four Wheel Drive Association (SFWDA) has the following positions coming up in December for Board of Directors Election of the 2018 -2019 term.  

  • President

  • Treasurer

  • Director Conservation and Land Use

  • Director Membership



2018 SFWDA Board of Directors Annual Meeting

Join us for our end of year meeting where we wrap up 2017 and discuss 2018.

Everyone is invited.This is an all access, no membership required meeting, and we want you all to join us either in person or LIVE online. That's right, anyone who can't make it in person can join us on your phone, tablet, laptop, smartphone, etc., right at home. You are all welcome to join in. We will be streaming our Meeting LIVE on Facebook this year from our SFWDA Page.

( )

We'll meet at the Doubletree Hotel, Oak Ridge, TN conference room for our 8 AM meeting to begin. During which time we will cover a variety of land use topics and new areas of riding under development. We will also discuss and approve 2017 Grants, SFWDA Bylaws, upcoming events, our budget, plans for 2018, and 2018-2020 elections.



There are several important positions open which we hope will be fulfilled by a qualified volunteer for a term of 2 years. If you or anyone you know of might be interested please contact us.

This will be an interactive event which all attendees can ask questions both in person and online live during the meeting while viewing the Facebook LIVE stream.


Use our Group Code S4W when booking. Rooms are only $82 if reserved by Nov. 15th. 

 Lodging is Available at our discounted rate with our Group Code - (S4W) code if you book by Nov. 15th. A block of rooms has been reserved for December 1, 2017 - December 3, 2017. The special room rate will be available until November 15th or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first.
Guests can use this link to book their rooms directly or, call the hotel at 865-481-2468 and refer to the group code: S4W This link will take them directly to their special rate and when to make reservations.



California Residents declare a victory for the Off Road Community

California Legislators and Governor Make the Off Highway Vehicle Program (OHMVR) a Permanent Part of the State’s Recreation Plan

   After many months of concentrated effort the California State Assembly just recently passed amended legislation that provides permanent status for reauthorization of the highly successful Off Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation program. The State Senate concurred and the legislation was submitted to the Governor for signature. On October 3, 2017, the Governor signed legislation making the OHMVR program permanent.

BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA - After nearly a year of work with the California Legislature, State parks, Governor Jerry Brown, and stakeholders from across the country, the California OHV program has been extended. In addition, there’s a partner bill that makes the program a permanent part of recreation in California.

S.B. 249 and S.B. 159 are the legislative bills that Governor Jerry Brown signed into law. The California OHV program was introduced in 1971 and is funded by self-imposed user fees and taxes.  The program does not utilize general tax funds to accomplish its goals. The program also has an extensive “Grant Program” that provides funding for education, law enforcement and restoration through state, federal and local communities across the state

Over 80% of OHV opportunities in California are on federal land and facing budget shortfalls at all levels. The OHV program is an integral part of making sure that responsible and meaningful motorized recreation continues in California and provides the necessary funding to help augment those short-falls.

While it may seem that a complicated state like California would never allow OHV use, this proves that a viable, responsible and important program can work its way through a super majority and become stronger. Our original goal was to keep the existing program intact while at the same time make it permanent. With strong collaboration and hard work, we have accomplished these goals and are now looking forward to the future of off road recreation.

For more information, please contact the Off-Road Business Association at

Fred Wiley
Off Road Business Association
UFWDA Treasure



SFWDA Presents - Fall Meet n Ride 2nd Annual at Daniel Boone

Join SFWDA on November 4, 2017 for our
Fall Meet n' Ride, Slade, KY. 

OHIO RIVER FOUR WHEELERS and Kentucky Krawlers would like to invite our friends from SFWDA to head north for our second annual Meet & Ride day of wheeling in the Daniel Boone National Forest / Red River Gorge area. We would like to show our appreciation for all the support SFWDA has provided to help develop and promote the Daniel Boone Back Country Byway / DBBB.

There are NO registration or trail package fees for this event.

This may change due to Hollerwood Park opening later this year. We will notify through the Facebook event page. We are working on a free cost event even if Hollerwood Park is open.

We have enlisted volunteers from several local clubs to assist as Trail Boss,Mid-gunner, and Tail-gunners, for several trail combination packages, from Mild to Extreme. We will have something for everyone. Experience some of the trails you've heard about in this area: DBBB, Carburetor Hill, HairPin, WidowMaker,
and others. We have added extra trails this year, that were not open last year.

The Slade / Natural Bridge area is about 165 miles north of Knoxville, TN at Exit 33 off the Burt T. Combs Mountain Parkway.

We are eager to help you enjoy the trails we call HOME.
The following pages list registration instructions, hotel, camping & RV accommodations and local restaurants that will be open to make your weekend enjoyable.

Registration & Rules to Ride:

You MUST go through the SFWDA event site to register (RSVP) for this event.
Space will be limited this year to 150 vehicles. We had 138 last year.
Non-registered arrivals may be be added to groups if space allows.

We will offer 4 difficulty levels of trail riding this year:

  • EASY - Stock All Terrain Tires (31in.) - Green Sticker
  • MEDIUM - (33in. minimum tire) - Blue Sticker (Locker could be useful)
  • DIFFICULT - (35in. minimum tire)- Red Sticker (Minimum one locker)
  • EXTREME - (38in. minimum tire) - Orange Sticker (Front & Rear locker required)

You may go down in tires size if you like to join an easier group, however you may not go up in difficulty level with a smaller tire size.
This is to insure we keep rigs moving on the trails during the day, since other group will be using the same trails.

Due to the terrific turnout last year, we will begin the Intake / Tech Inspection Process at 7:30 a.m. Saturday morning. Get in line early to ensure your spot in the group you'd like to ride with. Groups will depart the campground beginning at 8:30 - 9:00.

EACH rig must carry a First Aid Kit. You will not be put into a group if you don't have these items onboard.

Your rig MUST have one recovery point on vehicle.

A CB radio and full size spare tire are strongly suggested.

Each vehicle will bring a lunch meal & drinks to enjoy during a break on the trail.

Regardless of what difficulty level of ride you choose, at times you will be traveling on Kentucky county roads. You may not carry or consume any illegal drugs or alcohol when trail riding. Adult beverages around the campfire in the evening are welcome.

Our goal is for everyone to have a safe & fantastic experience.

Hotel / Cabin / Lodge Rentals

Li'l Abner Motel & Cottages
1000 Natural Bridge Rd
(606) 663-5384

Natural Bridge State Resort Park, Slade KY
2135 Natural Bridge Road, Slade, KY, 40376
(606) 663-2214
Black Bear Lodge Motel & Cabin Rental
781 Natural Bridge Rd, Slade, KY, 40376

Camping / camper / RV

Natural Bridge Campground
90 L & E Railroad Pl. Slade, KY 40376

This campground is the spot where all activities will start from and has sufficient space to accommodate all camping guests for this event.


At the Slade exit

Miguel's Pizza & Rock Climbing
1890 Natural Bridge Rd, Slade, KY 40376-9019 (606) 663-1975

Mountain Parkway Slade exit 33, Slade, KY

Red River Rockhouse Gastropub
4000 KY-11, Campton, KY 41301 (606) 668-6656

Sandstone Arches Restaurant
2135 Natural Bridge Rd, Slade, KY 40376-9026 (502) 564-2172

Hill Top Pizza
1341 Natural Bridge Rd, Slade, KY 40376-9014

1341 Natural Bridge Rd, Slade, KY 40376 (606) 663-3710

Where & When

Natural Bridge Campground
90 L & E Railroad Pl
Slade, KY 40376

Saturday, November 4, 2017 at 8:00 AM

Saturday, November 4, 2017 at 5:00 PM

Time Zone: Eastern Time


Season 3 of our Education Video Series Continues...."Safe Vehicle Recovery After a Rollover"


Season 3 of our Education Video Series Continues...."Safe Vehicle Recovery After a Rollover"

 We're very proud to release this all new video from our third season now of Educational Videos! We're hard at work on the additional 3 planned for this season. 

"Safe Vehicle Recovery After a Rollover" 

 Learn from the Pro's. In conjunction with Overland Experts, SFWDA is excited to present step by step suggestions on how to safely recover a vehicle after a simple rollover. There are a ton of tips throughout the video so sit back and enjoy......and hope you never need to use these valuable skills and knowledge. (All situations are different, so it is imperative that you evaluate your situation before taking any action.)



The CREEKBED CRAWL is new for Dixie Run 31! Finally a competition for everyone...

Trail 16 (Creekbed) Multiples Classes * Framed Vehicles Only * Trophies * Prizes

The CREEKBED CRAWL is all new for Dixie Run 31!  Finally a competition for everyone...

Is anybody interested in a little old school rock crawl competition?

 SFWDA and Southern Jeeps with 2 outstanding sponsors; Motobilt and B. Lee's Offroad will be hosting this all new competitive timed event on Trail 16 (The Creek Bed Trail) on Friday at 2 PM at Dixie Run 31. 

This competition will be for framed vehicles, Tube Buggies and extreme rigs can enter the Shootout on Saturday. There will be 2 classes , 37” tire and under and 38” tire and over.

 Trophies are being donated by Motobilt for 1st through 3rd in each class and B. Lees Offroad is sponsoring the event and donating prizes to the class winners. B. Lees is also donating a lot of stuff to the Raffle Saturday night too, so go check out the Creek bed Crawl Sponsor at and Check out

Use #DixieRun31 #CreekbedCrawl, #bleesoffroad and #motobilt to share your pictures and videos of the event

The course will not be extremely difficult but will be technical and will test your maneuverability and attention to what the best line is. Don't hit the cones , don't stop and definitely don't back up and you could be the winner of this event.

Rock Crawl Rules

1) Points are most important, time is only to decide tie breakers. If some one gets a perfect score in 4:59 and someone completes the course in 3 minutes but they have one point penalty , the perfect score is first place regardless of time.

2) The course time limit is 5 Minutes. Failure to exit the course in 5 minutes is considered a DNF. (Remember points are most important but you still need to finish.)

3) Lowest score wins. +10 points for hitting a cone +5 points for backing up +5 points for stopping more than 3 seconds ( If you stop for more than 3 seconds and then back up you get both penalties, so if you think you need to back up you probably should go ahead ) DNF for spotter touching the vehicle at any time while it's moving -10 for bonus gates -10 for spotter riding in the vehicle the whole time

 To enter just come to Trail 16 (the Creekbed) and look for the banners. 



Happy Labor Day to all the hard working Volunteers and Stewards of our trails

   While we honor this special day which celebrates the American labor movement and the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, laws and well-being of the country may we also celebrate the successes from all the hard work from SFWDA Members.

   Hundreds of volunteers and dedicated supporters throughout the year who collectively invest thousands of hours annually in support of our core mission; Conservation, Education, and Recreation.

   It is with your help that we protect, preserve, and create trails throughout the Southeast.

Thank You!   



Off Road Awareness Classes making an impact at SMJC Jeep Invasion

Huge THANKS!!!

To Jeep Invasion, CartoTracks, and all of our Tread Lightly Master Trainers....

 In case you missed it SFWDA sponsored 3 Off Road Education classes daily at the SMJC Jeep Invasion. We were successful in connecting with thousands and shared some valuable awareness with about 125 participants in our classes. We gave away some door prizes and a pair of Dixie Run 31 family event passes to a couple of very lucky folks. Thanks again for your support to everyone who made it happen. Be on the lookout for our next Off Road Education class coming to your area. #offroadeducation #TreadLightly #SFWDA



Off Road Education comes to you.....Inaugural Off Road Education Workshop at Jeep Invasion

Off Road Education Workshop
at Jeep Invasion

We're bringing Off Road Education to you......

 Join us Friday & Saturday for a special 1 hour Off Road Education course designed just for the SMJC Jeep Invasion.

Classroom #1
(at the end of the main concourse)

Friday & Saturday

  • 10 AM - Best Practices & TreadLightly! 
  • 12 PM - Off Road Navigation  (Sneak Peek at our Season 3 Navigation Video Launch) 
  • 2 PM - Best Practices & TreadLightly!

 SFWDA is sponsoring a team of certified "Master Tread Trainers" to lead a series of totally free classes you won't want to miss!

  We'll explain what SFWDA does to protect our trails and discuss how Tread Lightly! is vital to that mission. We'll also have Cartotracks leading a Off Road Navigation class!

 Stop by to sit down with us for a quick class and you can qualify to win a SFWDA prize pack and maybe even a Dixie Run family pass. Drawings daily in our classroom.

 Want to learn more? During this hour we will cover Tread Lightly principles as well as trail safety topics. Watch short videos in a series of Off Road - Best Practices topics and then discuss techniques to safely navigate your way through your next off road adventure. Learn the right way from knowledgeable, experienced, and certified off road trainers.This Awareness Workshop will provide attendees with an introduction to Tread Lightly! principles as decision making guidelines while enjoying the great outdoors in a safe and responsible manner. The workshop will provide you with situational awareness, the know-how on minimizing your impact while recreating, and the outdoor ethic that will help sustain our trails for generations to come.
