Southern Four Wheel Drive Association is proud to announce that Bob Yarbrough will continue to represent SFWDA within the TN Commissioner's Council on Greenways and Trails - RTP grant program through 2015. Robert J. Martineau Jr. Tn Commissioner of the Council on Greenways and Trails working for the TN Department of Environment & Conservation has appointed our fellow active member and past SFWDA President who continues to support our associations core mission.

Robert J. Martineau Jr. commented "I am anxious to fill our Counsel with the most highly qualified people, and it would be an honor to have your continued service. I have great confidence in your abilities and in the contribution you are making. Thank you for your willingness to serve your fellow Tennesseans in this capacity." 

For the full nomination letter click here

For more info on the TN Greenways and Trail program:

For more details on the RTP grants and to learn more about this TN resource check them out online
