We are proud to announce two new supporting business partners who have joined forces to support the core mission of SFWDA.


Among these two great new brands the Unlimited Off Road Expo (UOR) in Louisville, KY this summer has invited us to attend and promote the various projects of our Association and promote the benefits of our Association. We are planning to be present this year as a part of a new special vendor area and look forward to connecting with many new wheelers while developing a lasting industry relationships through the vast network opportunities at this expo. Last year we attended the UOR as a guest but this year we plan to step up as a vendor.

SFWDA is now seeking a business sponsor specifically for the UOR as well as a few member volunteers who would be interested in helping with the planning and attending the expo as a representative of SFWDA. If you would like to assist please contact us.  Admission for the weekend long event will be covered for SFWDA volunteers. 
