Join us for our end of year meeting where we wrap up 2016 and discuss 2017.
Everyone is invited. We want everyone who can't make it in person to join us on your phone, tablet, laptop, smartphone, PC, or Mac. You are all welcome to join in.
We'll meet at the Doubletree Hotel, Oak Ridge, TN conference room for our 9am meeting to conduct our annual meeting to cover all current events, budget, plans for 2017, future planning, and 2017-2018 elections.
There are several important positions open which we hope will be fulfilled by a qualified volunteer for a term of 2 years. If you or anyone you know of might be interested please contact us.
This will be an interactive event which all attendees can ask questions both in person and through the online chat box inside of the webinar. We will also take votes online from attendees for our BOD elections who will be verified as active eligible members.
Blocked Rooms are available for a limited time only;
Click here for your special group rate at the DoubleTree for the Southern 4 Wheel Drive Annual Conference Group Name: Southern 4 Wheel Drive Annual Meeting The above link is now ready from the DoubleTree for the Southern 4 Wheel Drive Annual Meeting. Guests can book this link directly or call the hotel at 865-481-2468 and refer to the group code: S4W