Free Bonus Vendor Ride Shirts
One more reason to Join / Upgrade to a Premium Membership. Support our CORE mission as an individual who understands its importance and wants to step up along with these top industry brands. Unite to protect and preserve our trails and support the initiatives of educating the off road community from the bottom up. Ensure our sustainability for our future generations. Yes, this is a FREE BONUS shirts for every Premium Member new or old selected to participate on this ride.
So, once again here's how you qualify:
Must be an active SFWDA Premium Member (You can still register & upgrade online for that)
You must submit a recent photo image of your 4x4 trail rig that you would like to drive on this trail ride directly to our SFWDA Facebook group page and tag each of our sponsors in the post.
( #BFGoodrich #BFGPlay #Areyoudriverenough #Warn #Clemson4WD#Rancho #DixieRun30 & #SFWDA)
Share your posting in as many groups and as many pages as you can to generate the most likes and shares possible. This plays a very large factor in being selected.
The representatives from our vendor sponsors will ultimately be selecting the group of 20 lucky winners.
The competition begins now and will end SEPTEMBER 20th..