Join us for our end of year meeting where we wrap up 2015 and discuss 2016. Everyone is invited. We want everyone who can't make it in person to join us on your phone, tablet, laptop, smartphone, PC, or Mac. You are all welcome to join in. We'll meet at the Doubletree Hotel conference room for our 9am meeting to conduct our annual meeting to cover all current events, budget, plans for 2016, future planning, and 2016-2017 elections. There are several important positions open which we hope will be fulfilled by a qualified volunteer for a term of 2 years. If you or anyone you know of might be interested please contact us.
This will be an interactive event which all attendees can ask questions both in person and through the online chat box inside of the webinar. We will also take votes online from attendees for our BOD elections who will be verified as active eligible members.
The plan for the SFWDA 2015 Annual Meeting is as follows:
9:00 Welcome
9:05 SFWDA Financial Review(Doyle Punches)
TrailFest, Dixie Run 29, Balance Sheet, Operating Statement
9:30 Communication Analytics(Walter Shafer)
Web Analysis, Social Media
10:00 SFWDA 2015 Grant Overview
Educational Videos/Update, Rock Solid Windrock Park Pavilion,
ORFW/Daniel Boone Scenic Byway/Old Fincastle Road
SFWDA 2016 Opportunities
Regional Tread Lightly Training, 2016 Educational Videos,
Daniel Boone Scenic Byway Mapping and Signage
(Rugged Ridge and Tread Lightly)
10:30 Break
10:45 UFWDA, Jerry Smith, Director of Environmental Affairs
ORBA/UFWDA Annoucement, One Voice Advisory Committee,
and SFWDA Support
Blue Ribbon Coalition, Todd Ockert, President
BRC Challenges and SFWDA Support
11:15 Land Use(Flint Holbrook)
Updates on Uwharrie National Forest, proposed Badin Lake Trail
Updates on Daniel Boone Scenic Byway and 2016 (Jeffrey Dozier)
Updates on Beasley Knob and 2015 RTP Grant (Kevin Sutz)
Updates on TN Council on Greenways and Trails (Bob Yarbrough)
Updates on Georgia Trails and Advisory Committee (Dave Logan)
2016 Recreation Resource Advisory Committee (Recreation RAC)
12:00 Break
12:15 2016 SFWDA Calendar (BOD)
12:30 2016 SFWDA Commitments of Support (BOD)
Tread Lightly
Blue Ribbon Coalition
12:45 2016 Budget Recommendations
Web Maintenance and Technical Support
Social Media Management
Communications, Meetings and Public Relations
1:15 2016 Elections(Secretary)
Director of Conservation and Land Management
Director of Membership
Director of Public Relations (1 Yr)
1:30 Closing Comments and Adjourn
Online Webinar registration will be available soon for all attendees that cannot make the event in person.
A block of rooms at the host hotel have been reserved for December 4, 2015 - December 6, 2015. The special room rate will be available until November 25th
Photos from the 2014 Annual Meeting
The Official Facebook Event page is now live: